Click above to join the Kick The Sugar Challenge Facebook Group. Be sure to introduce yourself to the rest of the Challengers!
Welcome to the Kick The Sugar Challenge!
You are making such an incredible decision to put yourself, and your health, first.
Well done.
This place is for you, and so, here, you will find all of the emails I sent and all of the Resources I created to support you, all in one place.
This will help us stay organized.
Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or concerns.
xo Sarah
Let's Begin!
BELOW, you will find ALL OF THE EMAILS with your instructions that that were sent out leading up to the Challenge. Please make sure you go through each one before moving on to the next one. NOTE: For those of you who joined the Challenge only recently, you may not have received all of these emails yet. Don't worry! All of the instructions are HERE so you won't miss anything, and I will also "speed up" the emails to your inbox as well. 🙂

BELOW, you will find the Kick The Sugar Challenge Tips, A Sample Shopping List, The Recipe Guide, A Supplemental Products List and a FAQ Page. Please take your time and go through each resource so you are familiar with everything. 🙂
BELOW, you will find ALL OF THE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS THAT I POST TO THE FACEBOOK GROUP. This way, if you missed a post, you won't be missing an assignment. I will be updating this page REGULARLY, and so even though I give you a head's up in the Facebook group, check back often for NEW assignments!
BELOW, you will find the WORKOUTS that I have designed for various fitness levels. I will be updating this page as we move through the Challenge, and so even though I give you a head's up in the Facebook group, check back often for NEW workouts!
BELOW, you will find additional Recipes you can enjoy while on the 28-Day Re-Integration Phase. I will likely be adding to this Guide and I will let you know in the Facebook group if I do. I hope you continue to enjoy being in your kitchen and eating these yummy recipes!
BELOW, you will find Homework Assignments I will be adding for the Re-Integration Phase of the Challenge. Come back often to see what's new! 🙂