A little about me.
Hi, I’m Sarah Roberts. When I was 29 years old, I hit "rock bottom" and got sober from alcohol, and ever since then, I've been passionate about discovering ways to live a healthier lifestyle. Through my research, experience, education and a whole bunch of trial and error, I've uncovered a way of living that allows me to experience freedom around food, alcohol, sugar, weight, and body image and I'm on a mission to share what I’ve learned with others. I became a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute to ensure I am offering up-to-date, science-based information using an approach that feels nurturing and encouraging; never blaming or shaming.
I offer private coaching to a small number of clients (visit the "Work With Me" tab and choose "One on One" to learn more) as well as Group Coaching through my signature membership program called OBAAT (which stands for One Bite AT A Time), where we've created a community of people seeking to develop a greater sense of respect and reverence for their amazing body. No diets, no restrictions, no strict protocols, rather a personal journey of healing, exploration and better health within a community of others on the same path. If you're looking for a truly unique experience in order to heal and strengthen your relationship with food and your body, then I'd love to work together. Visit OBAATCoaching.com for more information and to get in touch.
In 2015, I wrote a book called The 28 Day Kick The Sugar Challenge, where I guide people through a 28 day journey without refined sugars or flours. It's available on Amazon.
In September of 2018, I became the host and producer of my own talk show, REALTalk With Sarah. It is a TV show dedicated to highlighting the importance of taking a holistic view of our health and it tackles the bigger subjects like shame, addiction, trauma, mental health, stress, grief and more. All episodes from both seasons are housed at REALTalkWithSarah.com.
Over on YouTube, I share all sorts of recipes and inspiration, interviews with others and much more.
Here on the blog, I reveal many of the lessons I've learned in my life, and I share some of my latest finds in the health industry as well as introduce you to knowledgeable experts who can help us navigate our way through the world of health, wellness, fitness and nutrition.
I'm so glad you're here!
Because we get ONE.
One life.
One body.
One planet.
And because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.
Sarah lives in Parksville, British Columbia, Canada with her partner, Roger. She is also the founder of The Healthy Brain and Body Show, a wellness expo that bridges the gap between our mental, emotional and physical health by showcasing amazing businesses that are seeking to help us live our best lives. Visit the website for dates and details.
Photo Credit: Katia Pershin Photography
Email Sarah at: Sarah@SarahTalksFood.com

If you'd like to learn more about me, then my first blog post is a good place to start. It will give you a good idea of who I am, what I'm all about, and my intention for this blog. Check out that post here: https://sarahtalksfood.com/the-decision