Today is the day!!!! Today, we begin our 28 Day Kick Ass Challenge, where we help ourselves while helping others.
If you haven’t been following along, check out last week’s post, where I shared all the details. To get the gist of the Challenge, scroll down to the bottom of this post.
Today, I am sharing a conversation I had with Brian and Cathy Knowler. Brian is a cop who has battled Post Traumatic Stress and he and Cathy are on a mission to share their story and reduce the stigma attached to PTSD. They want others struggling to know they are not alone.
If you, or someone you know, is a first responder or military personnel struggling with stress, this is a must-watch.
Brian has written a book called: On the Other Side of Broken: One Cop’s Battle with The Demons of PTSD, available here.

Will You H.E.L.P.?
Essentially, here's the deal on the 28 Day Kick Ass Challenge:
Step 1. FOOD. We are eliminating ONE thing diet-wise that we know is holding us back from reaching our health goals. For me, it's late-night snacking. Even when I grab something nutritious at 10 p.m., I know that eating too late means my digestive system doesn't get a break while I'm sleeping. Worse yet, when I snack on junk food, I am not even nourishing my cells and I am hindering my sleep, hurting my cells and I wake up feeling tired, grouchy, and sapped of energy. So, I'm giving up late-night snacking. That's going to be the thing I don't do for 28 days (and hey, maybe it'll stick for longer.)
Step 2. EXERCISE. On Day 6, we are taking inspiration from the 22 Pushup Challenge, and we do our 22 pushups for the remaining 22 days. We snap a photo of ourselves before, during our after or pushups (or we shoot a video) and we post it to Facebook. We use the hashtag #KickAss28 and we encourage and invite any or all of of our friends to join us on the Challenge.
We use ANY modification of pushups we want, and I shot a video sharing all sorts of ways to get our pushups done.
Step 3. HELP. Again, taking inspiration from the 22 pushup Challenge, we are giving back and raising awareness around PTSD and Operational Stress injuries. We are donating to an organization in Canada called Heroes Equine Learning Program (H.E.L.P.), where horses collaborate with participants to begin the healing journey. The 4-day retreats are completely free for participants, entirely funded by donations.
Participants are first responders and military personnel, and as you learned in the interview with Brian and Cathy, it can be very hard for these people to admit they have a problem. We must remove the stigma around mental health and PTSD so that everyone can live to their potential and win the fight against their demons.
To get involved with the Challenge, simply head over to Facebook and ask to join our Facebook group!
If you don't have Facebook, you can still do the Challenge and donate! Simply follow the rules and donate here.
If you live outside of Canada, please send your donation to

Let's help the people who serve and protect our country and risk their lives every day for us.
It feels good to help others.
It feels good to do something for ourselves that we know improves our health.
That's why I feel this Challenge is going to ROCK!
Because we help ourselves while helping others.
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.
P.S. If you are IN, please help us spread the word by telling your friends and sharing this blog post! Plus, please join us in the Facebook Group. It’s where we support one another and hold each other accountable. And use the hashtag #KickAss28
P.P.S. We can also connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Plus, if you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, you should! That way, you won’t miss anything. For joining, you get my personal meal plan, shopping list, and a week’s worth of easy, tasty recipes.
P.P.P.S. To learn more about my story and to order your very own copy of my book,The 28 Day Kick The Sugar Challenge, visit I would be honoured to support you on your journey.
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