In case you missed Sunday’s episode of REALTalk, I wanted to share the show here. It was a powerful hour talking about a topic that’s often overlooked due to shame and embarrassment–we talked INCONTINENCE. Derick Fage shard his own personal and powerful story of being born with a medical condition that rendered him fecally incontinent, Cathy Harley, CEO of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence Canada (NSWOCC) shared statistics and research, and pelvic floor physiotherapist, Jacqueline Pomeroy from Pelvic Support Physiotherapy offered her expertise and exercises to help us all strengthen our pelvic floors.
It was a jam-packed and powerful hour and we hope you watch and share the show, as you never know who might be suffering in silence.
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.
P.S. If you’d like to watch all episodes so far of REALTalk Season 2 (and all of Season 1) you can watch them at
P.P.S. REGISTRATION for the next round of my One Bite At A Time (OBAAT) group Coaching program has officially opened and we start the program on Monday, January 6th, 2020. If you’d like to join me for 12 weeks on a journey inward, I’d love you to experience OBAAT where we talk food and sugar and body image, but we also go SO much deeper, in order to uncover the root causes behind our behaviours, our choices, our lives.
Visit to learn more, or feel free to email me at
P.P.P.S. If you’d like to learn more about my work around food and sugar and body image, I did a live training called:“The Truth About Sugar and How To Live A Life Of Freedom Around Food.”
P.P.P.P.S. If you’d like to prioritize your health for 14 days, I’d love for you to sign up for my 14 Days of Wellness. Simply enter your name and email address up on the right to begin receiving the messages today. It’s FREE, with no diets, products, challenges or catches…just a chance to remember how amazing you are…for 14 days.

P.P.P.P.P.S. Let’s be friends! I’d love to connect on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Plus, if you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, you should! That way, you won’t miss anything. Plus, as a thank you for joining, you will receive my 14 Days of Wellness.

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