Do NOT Act Your Age!

Image Credit: James Altucher It is my birthday today and I am 45 years old. I love getting older. I mean, to be honest, I really don’t understand people who resist aging. I mean, I get it. In North America in particular, we tend to equate aging with degradation and decline. But it doesn’t have…

This past Saturday, Canadians everywhere celebrated our country’s 150th year since Confederation. I live in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, and although I knew the festivities would be second to none in my amazing home city, Roger and I decided to fly west and join my mother and her partner as they put on a lovely…
I Want To Talk To You

My writing has been a way for me to share myself with you and to connect in a more authentic way. I have had to push past the fear of “what will they think” to a place where I know what I am doing is hitting a nerve because we ALL feel shame and pain…
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