ep·i·ge·net·ics /ˌepəjəˈnediks/ noun BIOLOGY the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. How does the study of epigenetics impact us? My guest today is going to share about this growing body of work, helping us to understand how our environment and family of…

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What Can We DO?

There is a lot going on in the world. More issues to focus on than we have the bandwidth to possibly process. How do we choose? What do we do? How do we help? And how do we not feel like giving in under the weight of the issues and just retreat in defeat? I…

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The Anatomy Of A Smoothie

This past weekend, Roger and I ran our online Writer’s retreat and we simply didn’t have time to stop and sit down to a meal. Yes, it is certainly best when we can take 20-30 minutes to sit, relax, eat slowly and truly be mindful of each bite of food, but we also live in…

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