Secret From The Masters On How To Thrive In Life
**Photo Credit: Laura Silverman I just returned from New York City…as in, just walked in the door, unpacked all my stuff and headed to my office; my computer. My flight was delayed at LaGuardia on Sunday so I missed my connection from Toronto to Ottawa. The airline put me up in a hotel for the night…
The Nasty Lie I Tell Myself.
My entire life I have struggled with feeling stupid. Dumb. Not smart. My entire life. As a kid. As a teen. As an adult. During my drinking years and during my recovery years and even when I stood in front of 2,000 people after achieving 3 diplomas in 3 years and accepting the award for…
I’m Scared Shi*less.
I am finally starting to get it. I am finally starting to understand how it all works. Well, maybe not how it all works, but this part I’m starting to really get. The part about being afraid. The part about fear and how it is going to show up in my life as long as I…
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