I’ve been a busy little bee over the last several months, working closely with my team to build my FOOD FREEDOM APP (eeeeeeek!!!!) and it is almost ready to TEST!!
If you’ve had ENOUGH of weighing, portioning, counting, shaming, judging, restricting, DIETING, then this simple food-mood tracker might just become your new favorite tool in your toolbox!
Will YOU be a tester for me?
1) You need to be on Android
2) You must be willing to use the app at least once a day for at least one week.
3) You must be willing to play around and try all the different features (food-mood journal, water tracker, sleep tracker, exercise tracker) and play with the notifications and settings, watch videos, run reports, etc.
4) You must be wiling to have FUN. 🙂
5) You must be willing to send me your feedback.
If this sounds like something you’d like to do and you are an Android user, then head over to the FOOD FREEDOM app website and sign up!
You’ll receive an email with the link to test the app as soon as it becomes available (we are planning for later this week).
Thank you SO much, and I really can’t wait for everyone to be able to access this app (iOS is planned for later this year).
Because we were never meant to spend our lives on diets… we are meant to live FREE!
I love you. Keep going…
P.S. Here is the link again to the FOOD FREEDOM APP website where you can sign up to be a Beta tester:

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