One year ago now, Roger and I launched our video podcast called Sobriety Starts HERE. We created it for those who are seeking and searching; perhaps googling late at night and with shaky hands, “How do I stop drinking?” or “How do I know if I’m an alcoholic?”
We wanted a place for the sober-curious and where those new to sobriety could feel less alone; a place where they would know that what they are thinking and feeling is all normal. And that there is hope in recovery.
I posted about the website when we launched last year, and in the P.S., I shared the following quote by Sarah Hepola, author of the memoir Blackout: Remembering the things I drank to forget.
“I’m not sad or embarrassed to be an alcoholic anymore. I get irritated when I hear parents use that jokey shorthand: God, I hope my kid doesn’t end up in rehab. Or: God, I hope my kid doesn’t end up in therapy. I understand the underlying wish — I hope my kid grows up happy and safe.
When we say things like that, though, we underscore the false belief that people who seek help are failures and people who don’t seek help are a success. It’s not true. Some of the healthiest, most accomplished people I know went to both rehab and therapy, and I’ve known some sick motherfu*kers who managed to avoid both.”
I thought it was fitting to share this post with you today because Sarah is the most recent interview on the podcast. And it is awesome.
All of the interviews are awesome, and it gives me such a thrill to share them with you.
So, please, if you know someone who is struggling or if that someone is you, please head over to Sobriety Starts HERE.
Because getting sober is hard enough. We don’t have to do it alone.
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.
P.S. If you’d like to begin prioritizing your health for 14 days, I’d love for you to sign up for my 14 Days of Wellness. Simply enter your name and email address up on the right to begin receiving the messages today. It’s free, with no diets, products, challenges or catches…just a chance to remember how amazing you are…for 14 days.

P.P.S. Speaking of taking care of your health, on May 4th and 5th, 2019, Roger and I are hosting The Healthy Brain and Body Show for our THIRD year! We are so excited to bring this show back even bigger and better! We would love to see you there as an attendee, where we have so much we want to share with you. We can’t wait to explore, connect, learn and shop at the show WITH you! Please say hello if you come. Roger and I will both be there the entire weekend. It would be a thrill to meet you. 🙂

P.P.P.S. Let’s be friends! I’d love to connect on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Plus, if you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, you should! That way, you won’t miss anything. Plus, as a thank you for joining, you will receive my 14 Days of Wellness.

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