Food, Sleep, Sex.

Ok, well maybe just TWO of those are what this post is about, but now that I have your attention, I wanted to share this interview I did with sleep expert Diane Dauphinais of Sound Of Sleep! We recorded this before coronavirus hit, so while we don’t speak specifically to ways to protect your sleep…

This past Sunday was the Season 2 premiere of my talk show, REALTalk With Sarah, and we kicked off the season talking about a KEY tenet of our health…SLEEP! I had sleep expert Andrew Holmes of Sleep Efficiency on to teach us how and why we need to prioritize it, as too often, we mistakenly…
Power UP Your Morning!

For my entire twenties, mornings went something like this: Open my eyes to the blaring alarm clock. Groan, slam the snooze button until it blared again. Slam…express some colourful words, try to open my eyes while trying to unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth. Drag myself to the kitchen. Turn on the…
Go To SLEEP!!! (Guide To Getting The Perfect Night’s Sleep)

If you are a parent, you have likely yelled out those words at least a few times after hearing your child slowly patter down the stairs because…….they are thirrrssttyy…. Or hunnngggrrryyyyy….or cannnn’t sleeeeeeeeeep… Or perhaps those words remind you of your own parents telling you to “Go to sleep!” for the umpteenth time when you…
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