What It Means To Be Healthy (Video Interview with Sarah Zahab)

Do Cardio!

Strength Train!

Don’t do Cardio!

Lift Heavy Weights!

Use Light Weights!

Use Body weight!

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!  Can Someone PLEASE tell me what to do??!!

With all of the conflicting messages out there, we can feel overwhelmed when trying to figure out what it means to “be healthy” as it relates to exercise.

With so much information, misinformation, divergent viewpoints and research out there, we can find ourselves wanting to throw up our hands and say “I give up!”.

It can all be so frustrating.

Meet Sarah Zahab, Kinesiologist and Exercise Physiologist

In today’s interview, Sarah Zahab teaches us that while there is no such thing as a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, there are things we can all do to get closer to that holy grail of “health”.

With so many opinions on the best way to exercise, Sarah offers a refreshing approach that takes into account our stage in life, our motivating factors, our lifestyle and our goals.

As an exercise physiologist, personal trainer, business owner, wife and mother of two young girls, Sarah knows how to strike a balance in her life and she shares that knowledge with us today.

As a former international fitness competitor, Sarah shares her personal story about her time competing at such a high level. She shares insight around things not always being as they appear, and she reminds us to be mindful of our reasons for wanting to look a certain way.













Having learned through that experience, Sarah is passionate about helping others get stronger in a much healthier way than she used for herself. If you are curious about entering a fitness competition or you want Sarah to help you prepare for one, I encourage you to be in touch with her here.

Yo Mama!

If you are planning on getting pregnant, have already received the good news, or have recently given birth, Sarah can help you get strong and healthy before, during and after pregnancy.

Either working with her one-on-one, or along with her in one of her groundbreaking DVDs, you'll be toning and tightening in a safe and effective way no matter what stage you are in.

You can purchase the DVDs here.

The Bottom Line

Although we can't all live by one set definition of health, perhaps we can reverse engineer it by looking to create balance in our lives. Sarah suggests starting with understanding what motivates us and going from there. I like that advice.

And, as Sarah expressed, if we can love our bodies the way they are and be happy with who we are, then our bodies will listen and begin to change.

Let's accept ourselves for who we are; love our bodies for the amazing machines they are; and honour our spirits by feeling happiness as much as possible.

Let's move more than we sit;

Let's get as much rest as we can to be energized;

Let's stretch whenever we can (even if it's while brushing our teeth!);

Let's reduced stress as much as we can;

Let's eat real, wholesome foods that nourish our bodies;

and let's feed our minds with positive thoughts that lead us closer to what we want in our lives.

Working with Sarah was life-changing for me and I will be forever grateful.

If you live in the Ottawa area and are interested in strengthening your body, I highly encourage you to be in touch with Sarah at Continuum Fitness, her personal training business she owns with her husband, John.

If you live outside of Ottawa, I encourage you to seek the expertise of an exercise physiologist or experienced personal trainer, who will help you to uncover weaknesses, in order to help you build a strong foundation and live a healthier, happier, more pain-free life.

Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.

P.S. To be in touch with Sarah, visit ContinuumFitness.ca. Or, follow them on Facebook!

P.P.S. To watch Sarah on CTV showing us how we can stretch throughout the day, click here.

P.P.S.S Let's be friends! 🙂 Connect with me on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram.

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