If you have been following me for any length of time now, you will know I am a HUGE fan of Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp and her no-nonsense, “get-it-done” approach to health and wellness. She has put out her most recent book called Hack Your Health Habits which is like a cross between a memoir, a guide book and an (enjoyable!) encyclopedia, helping us to take control of our health and truly thrive in our lives.
I wanted to sit down with Nathalie to discuss the book, and we decided to go live on video so that we could share our conversation with you.
We hope you enjoy!
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.
P.S. If you’d like to begin prioritizing your health for 14 days, I’d love for you to sign up for my 14 Days of Wellness. Simply enter your name and email address up on the right to begin receiving the messages today. It’s free, with no diets, products, challenges or catches…just a chance to remember how amazing you are…for 14 days.

P.P.S. Speaking of “hacking our health habits”, Dr. Nathalie will be offering up an amazing talk at The Healthy Brain and Body Show! She is speaking on Sunday, May 5th at 2 pm, and will be answering all your questions and sharing her top tips! Join us for the entire weekend, May 4th and 5th. We are so excited to bring this show back even bigger and better and we’d love to see you there as an attendee, where we have so much we want to share with you. We can’t wait to explore, connect, learn and shop at the show WITH you! Please say hello if you come. Roger and I will both be there the entire weekend. It would be a thrill to meet you. 🙂

P.P.P.S. Let’s be friends! I’d love to connect on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Plus, if you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, you should! That way, you won’t miss anything. Plus, as a thank you for joining, you will receive my 14 Days of Wellness.

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