I Am Grateful.

This past weekend, Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving. For many people, Thanksgiving is a time of gathering and family and food…and for feeling thankful. It certainly was for me.

Roger and I traveled to Newmarket, Ontario to visit my brother and family. My Mom also flew in from B.C. to celebrate with us. It was a wonderful time of togetherness and fun.

The highlights of the weekend were less about the turkey, the mashed potatoes or the pumpkin pie (which were all delicious, of course!) and more about the people that were gathered together and the little things that made the weekend special:

  • Seeing the faces of my niece & nephew as they bounced off the bus and gave us hugs (in front of their friends!)
  • Going on a shopping trip and helping them pick out their perfect Christmas gifts (from Grandma)
  • Helping my sister-in-law in the kitchen
  • Doing a spinning class with Roger
  • Watching my brother cheer on his favourite teams
  • Visiting the pumpkin patch and playing tag
  • Seeing my mom hop on my bike and ride around for a while 🙂
  • Enjoying a family picnic in the park after our fun bike ride
  • Doing a guided meditation with the kids at the beach on Lake Simcoe
  • Tucking the kids into bed each night; singing to them and giving a little massage


Over the course of the weekend, I thought a lot about the things I am grateful for. And I thought a lot about how I would express those feelings to you today, in this post.

I Am Thankful For:

  • This wonderful Country to call home and the feeling of safety I am afforded.
  • My family.
  • My relationship with Roger and his family.
  • The blessing of wonderful friendships.
  • My healthy body and mind.
  • The gift of my senses: Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste and Smell. I met someone recently who is deaf and blind, and a friend of mine’s Dad has lost his sense of taste due to radiation therapy, and so I have been reminded of the blessing of my senses.
  • A roof over my head and food in the fridge.
  • People who show kindness to others.
  • People who share their vulnerability.
  • The gift of alcoholism for helping me to create a new life for myself.
  • A new career that is allowing me to learn about other people and share their stories in a way that is serving the world and making a difference.

Thank You.

I have told you before that showing up more fully in my life and revealing myself in a bigger way has been challenging for me. Today, I simply wanted to say thank you to all of you who are following me on my journey.

Many of you have reached out personally to share your stories with me, and I am so grateful to have touched your lives. You are certainly touching mine and helping me to know that I am on the right track.

So today, I feel deep gratitude, and it feels good. I hope you found some time this weekend to feel the same.

Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.

P.S. What are YOU grateful for? 

P.P.S. Here’s my question for you: I truly want to provide content that inspires, motivates, encourages and supports you. I have some more interviews, recipes and stories lined up for the coming weeks, but I would love to know what you would like to hear about and learn. What problems would you like me to help solve? What types of people would you like me to interview? What questions would you like me to ask them? Feel free to comment below or message me privately. I want to make this space as awesome as possible and I want to respect your time by providing you with content that matters to you. Thank you.

P.P.S.S. If you haven’t signed up to this blog, I think you should! That way, you won’t miss a single post, and you also get a week of meal planning, recipes and a shopping list when you sign up! 

Let’s be friends. 🙂 Connect with me on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram.


  • Alison

    Reply Reply October 13, 2015

    It would be great to hear how some people are making the work life balance work for them and how they are spending time with their families.

    • Sarah Roberts

      Reply Reply October 13, 2015

      Excellent! I think you will love next week’s post. 🙂 I will make sure to address this issue more often. Thank you so much!

  • Anna

    Reply Reply October 14, 2015

    Sarah its looks and sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I love what you are thankful for!!!! The types of people I would like you to interview are like the ones you have interviewed. The interviews, your healthy food choices and recipies really help us stay on course. Love what you do!!! and love how precepive you are.
    One subject I would like to hear more in interviews are about moods and emotions during menopause. I was so looking forward at retiring at 55 and I love having time for myself, but I am now feeling disconnected. Sorting out these emotions and looking to volunteer and a part-time job.

    • Sarah Roberts

      Reply Reply October 14, 2015

      Thanks so much for your comments, Anna! Yes, menopause is a topic I plan on covering in-depth in the coming months. I love that you are volunteering and continuing to work and make money. Feeling connected is such an important part of the human experience. Keep up the great work. 🙂

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