Let’s Hit The Gym!

You may have noticed that I have shied away from posting too much about exercise on my blog. I’ve had concerns about sharing what I do because, well, I am not a personal trainer; I am not certified in any way, and I just felt like I should leave the exercise stuff to the professionals. 🙂

But I keep getting people asking me about exercise, and specifically, what I do to stay in shape.

So, I decided to go for it! Remember, I am not offering anything more than an invitation for you to move your body daily.

Yup. You read right.

Daily. 🙂

We need to move these amazing bodies of ours. Every. Single. Day.

We are aging every day that we are alive. If we want to push back on the hands of time, we have to exercise our bodies.

In doing so, we strengthen our muscles, our bones, and our minds. Exercise releases feel-good endorphins, and it allows us to move freely and without pain in other areas of our lives (I don’t want to reach for my purse and pull my shoulder, or fall and break a hip as I get older)…

So I encourage you to find something that works for you, that’s do-able for you, at a time of day that you can maintain so that you’ll stick with it…every single day.

Today, I’m happy to share with you some of my favourite resources and exercise tips along with a few things I like to do, so come along with me and let’s hit the gym!

Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.

P.S. Let’s be friends! Connect with me on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. 🙂

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