I Am Not Afraid

Every Father’s Day weekend for the last 18 years, we have celebrated with my Dad’s side of the family at the cottage near Waterloo, Ontario. It is a wonderful time to gather, reconnect, share our news and enjoy nature. We take time to enjoy family members we don’t often see, we have a 9-hole golf tournament,…

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Line In The Sand

Today is Tuesday February 16th, 2016. No big deal. Just another Tuesday. Just that boring day of the week that brings us one day closer to Wednesday, which gets us to Thursday; and Thursday is almost the weekend, and then we’re at Friday…where we can say “we made it”. That’s what Tuesday means to a lot…

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If Your Body Was A Business…

If your body was a business, how would you say it was performing? Would you say it was operating strategically, reaching its targets, and performing well? Or would you you say it was under performing, struggling, making mistakes, on the verge of bankruptcy, and in desperate need of a turnaround strategy? I want to share a…

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The Sweet Truth (Plus Video Recipe)

If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll know about my history with alcohol. Today’s post addresses another addiction I struggle with; sugar. Studies show that sugar stimulates the same reward centres in the brain as cocaine and heroin. If you have trouble saying no to sugar, please keep reading. You are not alone,…

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The Truth Is…I Lied.

With the dawn of a new year, people are often looking to make a change.  Over the last few months, I have received several messages from people asking me how I quit drinking and how I continue to stay sober. It’s a tough question for me to answer honestly. To be honest, I don’t think…

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The BEST Secret Keepers (Video Interview)

SCROLL DOWN TO WATCH THE INTERVIEW As you probably know by now, I am a big fan of trying to figure out who I really am. I have spent the last 13 years working on myself, delving into the dark corners and pulling out pieces that needed closer observation and dissection. Sometimes, pieces of me…

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Sharing My Story With The World

Last week, I appeared on Rogers Daytime to share my story. I was afraid to do it, and so I figured that was a really good sign that I should. I used some of what Kathie Donovan taught me when we sat down to talk about her book Inspiration In Action: A Woman’s Guide To…

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The Decision…

I am finally officially writing my first blog post! I’m actually doing it!! I’ve wanted to launch this blog for over a year, but I’ve been stuck by the thinking and over-thinking that comes when I want something to be “perfect”.  I have been passionate about it being something that truly serves people, and not…

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