REALTalk About Alzheimer’s Disease.

On Sunday, we delved into the topic of Alzheimer’s disease with Melissa Snyder, PhD, of The Ottawa Memory Clinic, who helped us understand the disease better while also sharing the research being done to find a cure. And later, naturopathic doctor Sarah Vadeboncoeur delved into the main dietary factors that can improve our overall brain…
Oh, Behave!

A couple of weeks ago, I shared about a limiting belief I’ve been working on deconstructing for years. And the way I’ve been actively deconstructing it is through the way I behave. Pushing back on this belief through the things I do has helped me shrink the big, nasty belief and grow the new, healthier…
Healthy Brain, Healthy Body.

With The Healthy Brain and Body Show coming up this weekend, almost all of my attention has been focused there. The idea for the show came to me a few years ago, when I realized the need for a show that highlights the interconnectedness between our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. We believe we have…
“How’s That Working For You?”

The Dr. Phil show debuted on September 16, 2002. I hadn’t been sober even two months when I let Phil’s southern drawl and no-nonsense approach to therapy seep into my consciousness on a daily basis. As a huge fan of Oprah, I had become familiar with him through her show, but it was exciting to come…
The Most Important Organ.

Last weekend, many of us celebrated Easter. While Roger and I enjoyed a nice meal together and a lovely walk in nature on Sunday, our weekend was filled with last-minute details around The Healthy Brain and Body Show. We are beyond excited to be bringing this show to Ottawa, and last week, we went on…
How Did I Get Here?

I am currently in the car traveling back from Fredericton, New Brunswick, where Roger’s family runs several trade shows each year. It’s always a ton of work, but it is extremely rewarding and a lot of fun! A big reason we enjoy it so much is because we work together as a high functioning team where…
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