The 4 Letter F Word.
Not that one. 😉 I’m talking about FOOD. What comes up for you when you hear that word? Judgment? Fear? Worry? Feelings of sacrifice? Indulgence? Visions of your favourite meals? Do you hear labels like “good” or “bad”? “Healthy” or “unhealthy”? Diets or restriction? My life’s passion evolved out of my own unhealthy relationship with…
When I began my health journey over 18 years ago, I began to see my body differently. I started truly, deeply, fundamentally understanding that my body is not a “machine” (as the health+ fitness industry tries to make us believe with words like “power up”, “fuel”, “revving”, etc…), and instead, I started seeing my body…
This Is My HOBBY. Is It YOURS, too?
If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll know I’ve been on a wellness journey for over 18 years and that when I got sober, I swapped my addiction from alcohol to sugar. I started using sugar in exactly the same way I’d used wine; to soothe, to numb; to check out. I was…
“Sarah, HOW Do I Get Some MOMENTUM Built Up?”
Last week, I shot a quick video asking people to post any questions they have that I could help with. My friend Brenda shared that she needed help with getting momentum built up when she has a goal to live a healthier lifestyle. Well. today, I share my thoughts with her, and I wanted to…
Oh, Behave!
A couple of weeks ago, I shared about a limiting belief I’ve been working on deconstructing for years. And the way I’ve been actively deconstructing it is through the way I behave. Pushing back on this belief through the things I do has helped me shrink the big, nasty belief and grow the new, healthier…
When I Was Dumb.
We are allowed to believe anything we choose to believe. That’s the power of belief. It’s up to each of us, and it needs no logic, no supporting evidence, no tangible experience. We are allowed to choose to believe whatever it is we choose to believe. The trouble comes when we don’t realize we have…
People Don’t Decide; Habits Decide.
I want to stay awake when it comes to the way I live my life. I tend to examine my habits as a way IN. I take inventory of them regularly, to ensure they are taking me places I actually want to go in my life. Take my posture, for example. I have struggled with…
“How’s That Working For You?”
The Dr. Phil show debuted on September 16, 2002. I hadn’t been sober even two months when I let Phil’s southern drawl and no-nonsense approach to therapy seep into my consciousness on a daily basis. As a huge fan of Oprah, I had become familiar with him through her show, but it was exciting to come…
It hurts like a b*#@h!
Change is hard. We like our habits, our routines, our rituals. But the truth is, if we don’t change stuff, stuff doesn’t change! Our lives don’t change. And we don’t change. Today’s post is all about understanding how habits are formed, and broken, in order to create the life we really want. So here we are…
Exposing Myself
I have been spending a lot of time writing lately. Piece by piece, story by story, my book is coming along. As I get my thoughts down on paper, I am passionate about creating something that serves the world and offers something of value. When I look back upon my life, I realize I have…
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