You Just Might LOVE Me For This…

I received a lot of support over last week’s post. I am so glad the message was received in the spirit it was written…with love and compassion. Thank you to everyone who reached out and shared their experience or their feelings about it. I appreciate it more than you know. I was afraid to put…
What It Means To Be Healthy (Video Interview with Sarah Zahab)

Do Cardio! Strength Train! Don’t do Cardio! Lift Heavy Weights! Use Light Weights! Use Body weight! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Can Someone PLEASE tell me what to do??!! With all of the conflicting messages out there, we can feel overwhelmed when trying to figure out what it means to “be healthy” as it relates to exercise. With so much…
Talking Food With Korey Kealey, Kitchen Wizard!

Today, I sit down with “Kitchen Wizard”, Korey Kealey. Korey is a busy wife, mom, entrepreneur, cookbook author and spokesperson for Foodland Ontario. This woman only has 24 hours in a day, just like the rest of us, and yet she makes it all look so easy! Listen in to learn how Korey schedules time…
Take a Peek Inside My Cupboards!

A few weeks ago, I took you all along with me on another Costco shopping trip. I love doing those! Afterwards, Elizabeth asked the following question on Facebook, and I thought I’d create this post sharing my response. 🙂 Elizabeth: My question to you, Sarah, is how you store all of your items. Do you have a…
My Gift To You

Over the past several weeks, I have been working on creating a special gift for anyone who chooses to join me on this journey. In order to make sure it was something that people could truly benefit from, I needed to get really clear on why I started this blog in the first place, and so…
Healthy Shopping at Costco!

I am so excited to take you with me on my weekly shopping trip to one of my favourite places….Costco! (To view this video in “high definition”, select the “gear” to the left of the “YouTube” icon and select 720pHD from the “Quality” drop down menu). Watch this video to join me on my trip…
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