
What if you could naturally and effortlessly change your mindset so that you never, ever even considered going on a diet again? How would your life change if you could learn how diets are designed to fail and how they keep us coming back (and feeling like WE failed)? What would be different in your…
“Sarah, HOW Do I Get Some MOMENTUM Built Up?”

Last week, I shot a quick video asking people to post any questions they have that I could help with. My friend Brenda shared that she needed help with getting momentum built up when she has a goal to live a healthier lifestyle. Well. today, I share my thoughts with her, and I wanted to…

Something I’ve shared a lot about here is how people who have ditched the booze often find themselves picking up allll the sugar. Candy, cookies, chocolate, bread, chips, popcorn. It’s like we swap one addiction for another as soon as we get sober. There are also people (like me, too) who started on sugar young,…
The REAL 5 Alive!

As a kid, my mom rarely allowed us to have pop. When we did, it was a special treat. Once in a while, usually when my parents entertained, my mom would buy some “5 Alive” as a treat for the kids. I LOVED the citrusy-sweet-bubbly combo and now that I’m an adult, I still like…
The HEALTHIEST Brownies EVER! (Recipe: Easter is Coming!)

Eeeeek!!! You are in for a treat!! I have been making these brownies for a little while now, and Roger has been in his element as I have been in recipe-testing mode! With Easter right around the corner, I thought it was the perfect time to reveal it to you. As you know, I have…
We ALL Scream For ICE CREAM!

Last week’s post was a doozy, and I simply want to say thank you. Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to read it and to comment and to share it and to be reminded that we all go through difficult times, but that we are not the pain…we…
When I Crave French Fries, I Eat THIS Instead.

You guys! I am sooooo excited to share this recipe with you! You see, I believe there are a lot of people out there who feel that living a healthy lifestyle means losing out on flavour and decadence and the joy that comes from eating. They may associate healthy eating with never-ending salads, boiled chicken…
Get Into SPRING By Eating THIS!

With this past Sunday marking the beginning of Daylight Savings, I was reminded of how quickly spring is approaching. It’s practically here! We’ve “all” been there. Where we’ve been happily covered up and cozy in our sweaters and jeans during the fall and winter months only to find ourselves feeling completely naked as soon as…
Are YOU In?

On Monday December 4th, I am starting my “14 Days of Wellness” program. I’ve already got a whole whack of people joining me, ready to put themselves first and prioritize their health, and we’d all love for you to join us! No Challenges. No products. No gimmicks. No diets. No cost. Just an invitation to…
Being Friendless…and Eating Sausages

At the time of this writing, I have 1101 friends on Facebook. That seems crazy to me, considering not long ago, I was virtually “friendless”. 1101 people have told me that they want to know who I am. They want to see what I am interested in and they are curious about what I have to say.…
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