REALTalk With Sarah (A NEW Chapter Begins!)
I have been sharing a lot lately about my desire to have more REAL conversations. More REAL connections with people. More REAL talk about the issues that REALLY matter and not focus so much on the superficial or the trivial. I am thrilled to report that it’s been working. I have had some of the…
The Nasty Lie I Tell Myself.
My entire life I have struggled with feeling stupid. Dumb. Not smart. My entire life. As a kid. As a teen. As an adult. During my drinking years and during my recovery years and even when I stood in front of 2,000 people after achieving 3 diplomas in 3 years and accepting the award for…
The Most Important Organ.
Last weekend, many of us celebrated Easter. While Roger and I enjoyed a nice meal together and a lovely walk in nature on Sunday, our weekend was filled with last-minute details around The Healthy Brain and Body Show. We are beyond excited to be bringing this show to Ottawa, and last week, we went on…
I Can’t Believe I Am Telling You This.
Here we go again… I have been holding on to this post for a long time; every week saying I will share it and then chickening out. Because, once again, it means sharing with you another incredibly embarrassing truth, but one that has set me free and I hope will do the same for anyone suffering…
I’m Scared Shi*less.
I am finally starting to get it. I am finally starting to understand how it all works. Well, maybe not how it all works, but this part I’m starting to really get. The part about being afraid. The part about fear and how it is going to show up in my life as long as I…
Bold For Change: International Women’s Day
From as far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to “do things myself”. My mother tells me this was a common argument when she tried to help me do pretty much anything, from tying my shoes to selecting my outfits, to fixing my hair. I’m sure I looked pretty special heading to…
Victory Tastes…SWEET!
Yesterday was Day 28 for the group of us who completed The 28 Day Kick Ass Challenge, where we each made ONE “Diet Fix” and we added in ONE exercise every day for 28 days. We DID IT!!! I wanted to share a bit about what I learned in those 28 days. Week 1: We…
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