We’ve Done It ALL Wrong!
This was not the post I planned to write today. This one happened through a beautiful act of grace. If you have been following along for the past few weeks, you will know that we are in the home stretch of our 28-Day Kick The Sugar Challenge (KTSC28). We are less than a week away, and…
Line In The Sand
Today is Tuesday February 16th, 2016. No big deal. Just another Tuesday. Just that boring day of the week that brings us one day closer to Wednesday, which gets us to Thursday; and Thursday is almost the weekend, and then we’re at Friday…where we can say “we made it”. That’s what Tuesday means to a lot…
Are You Coming With Us?!
If you’ve been following along over the last few weeks, you’ll know there is only one week to go before I officially launch the Kick The Sugar Challenge. I am so excited for it and I am so proud of everyone who has already signed up! It certainly won’t be easy, but together, we can do…
If Your Body Was A Business…
If your body was a business, how would you say it was performing? Would you say it was operating strategically, reaching its targets, and performing well? Or would you you say it was under performing, struggling, making mistakes, on the verge of bankruptcy, and in desperate need of a turnaround strategy? I want to share a…
Happy Holidays! (Plus 6 Strategies I Use To Stay Sober)
Today’s post is simply my way of saying thank you and a chance to wish you a peaceful holiday season. I want you to know how much you mean to me. Without you, there would be no reason for me to share these posts, and so I want to personally thank you for being here…
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