We made it! Today is the day I get to share my book, The 28 Day Kick The Sugar Challenge, with YOU and I could not be more excited!!

If you've been following along this journey for a while now, you'll know this experience hasn't been a perfectly smooth one, but rather a bumpy, twisty, turny kind of a ride.
I am filled with gratitude for you sticking with me through such an incredibly exciting time. Thank you so much.
In anticipation of the book launching, I was interviewed by online marketing genius and my favourite guy, Roger Deveau. In this video, I share why I wrote the book and what you will find inside its pages. Perhaps you'll discover that the book was written for you.
Because it was written for all those seeking better health; for those looking to eat better, feel better, move more and just plain live healthier, and I would love for you to have my book.
And as I have mentioned before, I have priced this book so that you pay what I pay.
I am not profiting from the sale of this book, rather I want to see it in the hands of as many people as possible.
I am on a mission to create a movement.
A movement where we aren't ruled by sugar; a movement that will open our eyes to the truth about what happens to our bodies when we eat it; a movement where we choose to nurture our bodies instead of harm them; a movement where we can see sugar and processed foods for what they really are; and a movement that will lead us to truly, deeply love ourselves into the best health of our lives.
If this speaks to you, please visit the book's website at where you can order your very own copy and simply pay the cost and shipping.
Once again, I am thrilled to have arrived at this day and I have YOU to thank.
Because I get to do this work because you are in my life.
Because I wrote this book for you.
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.
xo S
EDITED August 2nd, 2017----P.S. What’s YOUR story? Do you have a desire to write about your life? I have put together a Writer’s Retreat, an online program that will teach you how to write your story–from start to finish–and self-publish your book, either to sell to others or to simply have for yourself. If this interests you, visit for all the details.
P.P.S. You will continue to read my blog here at, but if you know of anyone who might like a copy of the 28 Day Kick The Sugar Challenge, I would be so grateful if you would send them to the book's website at Thank you!
P.P.P.S. If we aren't already friends on Facebook , let's connect! We can also connect on Twitter and Instagram. Plus, if you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, you should! That way, you won’t miss anything. For joining, you get my personal meal plan, shopping list, and a week’s worth of easy, tasty recipes.
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