On Thursday, people in many parts of the world will celebrate Valentine’s Day. I love it! Yes, the holiday can be overly commercialized, BUT we don’t have to get sucked into the marketing of it. We can still enjoy the day, allowing it to serve as a reminder to show the people we love, that we love them.
While I am a big fan of telling Roger regularly how I feel about him, Valentine’s Day provides a lovely chance to really celebrate our love. It’s FUN to celebrate, and we don’t have to succumb to the marketing giants who tell us we need to spend money or that we need to go out somewhere or get dressed up or do anything in particular…we can create the meaning around Valentine’s Day for ourselves, putting our own personal stamp on it in our own unique and creative way.
Over the years, I have done many different things On Valentine’s to show Roger how much he means to me and I thought I’d share a few of them in the hopes that they might inspire you to show your loved one just how much they mean to you. Several of these ideas I also do on a regular basis, so don’t forget to keep the romance alive every day of the year!
- Several years ago, I surprised him with having his old guitar re-strung, which re-invigorated his interest in playing.
- One year, I gifted him with a few piano lessons (he plays, but had gotten rusty over the years).
- I’ve made him a nice dinner with his favourites.
- I’ve given him an at-home-facial.
- I’ve drawn him a bath and put rose petals in the water, lit candles, set a glass of bubbly water with lime on the side of the tub and put on some nice music. (He really liked this one). 🙂
- I’ve made chocolate-covered strawberries and fed them to him.
- I have given him a “coupon book” that I made with various offerings that he can redeem. (He really liked this one). 😉
- I’ve gifted him with a fresh haircut and shave.
- I have taken him to movies, museums, and the spa on Valentine’s.
- And I always make a hand-made card that shares how much he means to me. You can get as romantic or as silly and creative as you like with this one!
Notice that most of the gifts I’ve given him don’t cost any (or much) money. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to have a negative connotation if you don’t choose it to. It truly can be enjoyed as a chance to show a little extra love and celebrate the only thing that’s real…LOVE!
Speaking of love, I want to share two more things. First, if you are single, I hope you gift yourself with any of the ideas above (or come up with other ways to show yourself love).The most important person in your life is YOU and you deserve to be spoiled…even if it’s from you to you! I spent 3 Valentine’s Days single before meeting Roger, and I always made sure to treat myself with love. I’ve made myself a nice dinner, one year I treated myself to a massage and I always do some writing about the things I am grateful for in my life. Cultivating a gratitude practice has continued to open up my life to allow more goodness to flow in. If you are single, I highly recommend spending some time on Valentine’s Day writing out all of the things that make you special. Light some candles, put on some soothing music and fall in love with your amazing self!
Second, I’ve been coming into your inbox every single Tuesday for almost four years. Wow! Time has really flown. I don’t even want to calculate the number of words I’ve written in this space, but I want you to know how grateful I am to you for reading them. Your support and love have meant the world to me, and so I would like to show YOU some love this Valentine’s Day by gifting you with the audio and digital versions of my book, The 28 Day Kick The Sugar Challenge! [Offer Ended February 14 2019]
I wrote the book after I started reaching a little too often for the dark chocolate or the banana muffins. I needed to get beneath the surface of my habits and I wanted a re-set for my body and taste buds. I chose to go 28 days without sugar, but remember that I did this after years into a healthy lifestyle. For many people, I simply suggest that they read the book, give some of the recipes a try, perhaps do some of the emotional work throughout and learn a little more about their health. “Take what works and leave the rest”, as they say. If and when you want to really challenge yourself, you can do the Challenge, but it’s perfectly lovely to simply read (or listen) to the book and raise your awareness around food, sugar, weight and body image. I hope you enjoy it and know that it was written with love, shared with love, and offered to you as my gift…with love.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.

P.S. Speaking of love, we LOVE this show! On May 4th and 5th, 2019, Roger and I are hosting The Healthy Brain and Body Show for our THIRD year! We can’t wait to explore, connect, learn and shop at the show WITH you! Please say hello if you come. Roger and I will both be there the entire weekend. It would be a thrill to meet you. 🙂

P.P.P.S. Let’s be friends! I’d love to connect on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Plus, if you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, you should! That way, you won’t miss anything. Plus, as a thank you for joining, you will receive my 14 Days of Wellness. https://sarahtalksfood.com/
February 12, 2019As always, your words are full of wisdom, compassion and love. I always feel like you’re writing to me…just to me!! Thank you Sarah.😊💕
Sarah Roberts
February 12, 2019I AM writing to you. 🙂 I love you, Patricia, and wish for you a beautiful life in every way. I hope you carve out some very special time on Thursday. You are loved! xo
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