If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know I’ve grappled with my body image for years. Too long, for sure. I’m a work in progress, of course, but it’s been the most gratifying work of my life to be able to make peace with myself in many ways, including how I speak about, think about and feel about my body.
And when I say it’s been work, I’m not kidding! I’ve hired therapists and healers and coaches and health+fitness professionals. I’ve studied books and bought programs and taken courses and learned a ton. It’s all combined to help me get to this place, which feels miles away from where I started. I’m grateful I put in the effort to create the change I truly wanted to see.
Over the years, I’ve been able to cultivate a relationship of respect, trust and love for my body.
Still, there are times my inner critic likes to try to pull me down, but I’ve gotten much better at spotting it, noticing my emotional state when those thoughts do arise, and changing the tape. Some days, I literally say, “NOT TODAY” to my reflection. It helps to remember who’s running the show.
With that in mind, I wanted to share this piece that was penned by author Donna Ashworth, from her book, “History Will Remember When The World Stopped: Poems from a pandemic”. The award-winning image is called “Feather & The Goddess Pool” by Natalie Grono. To me, Donna’s words capture so perfectly what I want to feel when I think about my body.
I hope it serves you, too.
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.
There are many choices available to us women in this life – but when it comes to your body, there are only two:
Accept it
Or don’t.
You see, if you choose to accept your body, you will soon start to love it, admire it, look after it. These things all follow in the wake of your acceptance.
When you realise that this vessel for your soul, for your spirit, is an instrument of such high design and fine tuning that it boggles the mind to even think about, you will enter into a phase which I like to call ‘peace, at last’.
You will care nothing of spare fat, grey hairs, loose skin.
You will realise, eventually, that the body’s purpose is not to look good, to attract friends, partners, successes – that it is, in fact, your spirit which does all of those things.
If you would only allow it to shine through and work its magic.
Your body, my friends, has but one job, to see you safely through this adventure of life, to allow your spirit to reach its potential.
That is it.
If you are on the path of not accepting your body – you are in for a very long battle – against an enemy you have no power to defeat. Nature, time, biology, fate…
You don’t have the weapons to fight those powers.
Wave the white flag.
Give in.
It is then that your life will truly begin.
P.S. If you’d like to prioritize your health for 14 days, I’d love for you to sign up for my FREE "14 Days of Wellness" email course. Simply enter your name and email address on the home page to begin receiving the messages today. It’s FREE, with no diets, products, challenges or catches…just a chance to remember how amazing you and your body are…for 14 days.
P.P.S. Registration for my One Bite At A Time Group Coaching program is open for the fall session! If you’ve been curious about the program and want to learn the BEST of what I've used in my own life to live with more food and body freedom, then I invite you to learn more. We start on Tuesday, September 8th, 2020. I’d love to schedule a call to chat and you can visit OBAATCoaching.com to view the curriculum and read testimonials.
P.P.P.S. Join ONCE, stay FOREVVVER! That’s right! Once you join OBAAT ONE time, you get lifetime access to ALL future rounds of coaching. FOR FREE. Some of my students have been with me since the very first round as a way to go deeper, learn more, connect with others and continue to stay on the path. I love that.
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