If you’ve been following along at all, you’ll know that this past weekend, Roger and I put on The Healthy Brain and Body Show for thousands of people at the beautiful EY Centre in Ottawa. It was an amazing event, with so many wonderful people bringing their beautiful energy into the space. In fact, it may sound woo-woo, but that was the comment that came up the most…the energy people felt when they were with us. It was palpable! Exhibitors and attendees alike kept saying the same thing..the energy just felt…good.
And that makes us feel really…good! Roger and I both believe that we are responsible for the energy we bring into any room, and we also had some incredible healers and energy workers with us; people I asked to help us raise the vibration and create a positive climate for anyone who entered the space. And because we made positive energy a priority, it is the most common comment we have received.
When people said it, I nodded and understood. And I knew that what they were feeling was perhaps even a little bit tough to put into words; trying to encapsulate a feeling isn’t easy, but “this show has such a good energy” is what came out. I was reminded that sometimes the things that matter most are the things we can’t put into words.
So, I would hug them and smile and say that I felt it, too. And I did. We ALL did. And if you were there with us, then you felt it, too.
And I want to thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Even if you weren’t there in body, but you simply sent your positive vibes and well wishes from afar, please know that we felt them, too.
And I want to say thank you.
Because while I may not be very good at a lot of things, one thing I know is that I was given a gift; one for making people feel comfortable and appreciated, valued, heard and respected. I come by it honestly– my parents were always the most gracious hosts–and it is my sincere hope that every single Exhibitor, Sponsor, volunteer, supplier and attendee felt good when they were with us.
We can’t wait for next year and we can guarantee that we will do our very best to make you feel as good as you possibly can.
Because I want you to love your life one bite at a time.

P.S. Want to feel REALLY good? Then I hope you’ll sign up to my 14 Days of Wellness! Simply enter your name and email address to begin receiving positive daily intentions around your mental and physical health. It’s FREE, with no diets, products, challenges or catches…just a chance to remember how amazing your brain–and body is–for 14 days.
P.P.S. Do YOU struggle with creating a lifestyle you love? Want to work with someone who’s been there? Check out my Private Coaching Program here.

P.P.P.S. Let’s be friends! I’d love to connect on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Plus, if you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, you should! That way, you won’t miss anything. Plus, as a thank you for joining, you will receive my 14 Days of Wellness. https://sarahtalksfood.com/
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