If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know that cultivating a relationship with my body and maintaining a really balanced approach to eating is at the top of my list of priorities. I realize that without my health, I’m not able to enjoy my whole life, and I am passionate about…

What if you could naturally and effortlessly change your mindset so that you never, ever even considered going on a diet again? How would your life change if you could learn how diets are designed to fail and how they keep us coming back (and feeling like WE failed)? What would be different in your…
I’ll Show You MINE!!

A question I get often is, “Sarah, if you could tell me to do ONE thing that would make the biggest impact on my health, what would it be?” If YOU’VE ever known “what to do”, but just can’t seem to DO it when it comes to your health, or if you’ve ever told yourself…

On Saturday, I celebrated my 48th birthday. I wanted to share some of my thoughts around the concept of aging. And growing. Because the two didn’t happen in tandem for me. Maybe you can relate? Growing ourselves personally is hard. For anyone who’s read the books and implemented the strategies, gone to therapy, hired the…

When I began my health journey over 18 years ago, I began to see my body differently. I started truly, deeply, fundamentally understanding that my body is not a “machine” (as the health+ fitness industry tries to make us believe with words like “power up”, “fuel”, “revving”, etc…), and instead, I started seeing my body…
This Is My HOBBY. Is It YOURS, too?

If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll know I’ve been on a wellness journey for over 18 years and that when I got sober, I swapped my addiction from alcohol to sugar. I started using sugar in exactly the same way I’d used wine; to soothe, to numb; to check out. I was…
My Body Shame.

Last week on Instagram and Facebook, I posted a picture of myself in a super cute dress, baring my legs. While this may seem like no big deal on the surface, it was a defining moment for me. You see, I’ve never talked about it publicly, but I’ve been covering my legs for yearrrrs. Sure,…

I say it a lot. I help people “uncomplicate” their relationship with food, their body image and their life. I am someone who has uncovered the simple (notice I didn’t use *easy*) solution to experiencing more joy and freedom in my life and I believe it ALL starts with the food we put into our…
Answering YOUR Qs!

As I mentioned last week, I’ve been busy shooting videos answering people’s questions, and I’m sharing a few more with you today! Sandra asked about eating well while traveling, Karen asked about food labels and the sugar content in foods, and Lesley asked about easy breakfast ideas. Here are my responses! If you, too, have…

ep路i路ge路net路ics /藢ep蓹j蓹藞nediks/ noun BIOLOGY the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. How does the study of epigenetics impact us? My guest today is going to share about this growing body of work, helping us to understand how our environment and family of…
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