HEALTHY Retirement!

This past Sunday on REALTalk With Sarah, I sat down with Retirement Coach, Daniel Roy, who helped us see that retiring WELL is more than just having the financial side of things figured out, it’s about the BIGGER picture! On this episode, we take a deep-dive into the 4 main pillars, as Daniel calls them:…

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you will already know my thoughts on the link between our food and our mood. Plenty of research abounds about the food-mood connection, the gut-brain connection, and the link between the food we eat and the state of our mental, emotional and physical health. We…
Making Decisions.(FREE GIFT)

If you’ve been with me for any length of time, you’ll know I am a huge fan of making decisions. Four years ago today, I made one that has had a dramatic ripple effect throughout every facet of my life, and I have YOU to thank. Four years ago, I launched this blog and posted…
Where is “HEALTH” On YOUR List?

I interviewed one of my favourite naturopathic doctors on episode 11 of my talk show, and she shared something that has really stuck with me. Dr. Sarah Vadeboncoeur shared that whenever a new client comes in to see her, she asks them where “health” falls on their list or priorities. Like, “How important is your…
Where MOST People Fail On Holidays.

We are now over a week into 2019 and I hope that you are already getting excited about this fresh, new year. While I don’t make “resolutions”, I do like a new year to remind me of what I value most: my health. Thing is, our bodies really don’t care what date is showing on…
Combat SUGAR (and Alcohol) Cravings! 10 New Year’s Tips.

Happy New Year! I always love this time of year, as I close the chapter on a year gone by and look to the next with anticipation. If 2018 was any indication of where my life is headed for the next 365 days, I am already feeling excited! I hope you, too, are looking forward…
Exciting Times!

I have said it before and still believe now, that my alcoholism has been my greatest teacher; recovery my greatest blessing. If you know me or have been following my work for a time, you will know I got sober from alcohol over 14 years ago. I see all addiction as the same, no matter…
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