MY WOTY2020 (Word Of The Year)

I’ve been doing a “Word of the year” (WOTY) for a few years. I don’t know how others come up with their word, but the way I do it is by simply paying more attention to my life. I examine the things I do habitually. I look at my behaviours and the results they create,…

I am a HUGE fan of leftovers. I am an even BIGGER fan of never, ever throwing food away (did you know it’s the #1 way we can help reduce greenhouse gases?). I am ALWAYS looking to make healthy, fast and TASTY meals. This recipe came when I looked in the fridge and saw more…
Home Made Almond Milk (VIDEO RECIPE)

There is nothing, NOTHING like real, home made almond milk. It is creamy and delicious, it can be subbed for dairy in almost any recipe, and what I love most is that there is only ONE ingredient…ALMONDS! Well, and water, too, but how cool is that!? Take a look at any container of store-bought almond…
STOP Trying To GET HEALTHY.(Seriously).

With the holidays upon us and people getting into “New Year’s Resolution” mode, I wanted to share some thoughts with you. Over the last week, I’ve received three messages–that are essentially the same message–from three different people and so I am taking it as sign to write about it. The first came from someone who…
The BIGGEST Lesson Learned in 47 Trips Around The Sun.

Thursday will mark my 47th birthday. I love birthdays. And I love getting older. I realize that the alternative is death, and I don’t want that for many, many more years. As Roger and I finish getting settled in our new home on Vancouver Island, I’ve had the chance to reflect on some of the…
Pressing PAUSE.

Recently, I was interviewed by my dear friend Anita Brown and her amazing co-host, Jill Johns. Together, they run The Pause Button 2.0 podcast, where they help people upgrade their self-care. They have also just opened registration for their brand new online course called “The Upleveler“, designed to help you create important shifts in your…

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you will already know my thoughts on the link between our food and our mood. Plenty of research abounds about the food-mood connection, the gut-brain connection, and the link between the food we eat and the state of our mental, emotional and physical health. We…
Easy, Tasty DINNER In A SNAP!

A few weeks ago, I shared this recipe on my Facebook page. Roger and I had just returned home from traveling, and we hadn’t yet done a full grocery shop. He opened the fridge and said, “Should I go out and grab something? We have no food….” I told him to get out of the…
How Do YOU Define Success?

I don’t believe it should be considered ”normal” to have to come home every day and “take the edge off”. What’s normal, to me, is choosing to create a life that doesn’t feel so hard and sharp, but rather a life that feels softer and gentler. I think it all comes down to the way…
Treat Yo Self!

“Treat Yo Self!” I see this slogan on everything from ice cream shop A-frames to memes on Facebook where people are gobbling up slabs of chocolate cake or guzzling back entire bottles of wine. And I GET it. I mean, I used to BE one of those people telling people, “C’mon…just one won’t hurt” or…
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