Are You Coming With Us?!

If you’ve been following along over the last few weeks, you’ll know there is only one week to go before I officially launch the Kick The Sugar Challenge. I am so excited for it and I am so proud of everyone who has already signed up! It certainly won’t be easy, but together, we can do…

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The Truth Is…I Lied.

With the dawn of a new year, people are often looking to make a change.  Over the last few months, I have received several messages from people asking me how I quit drinking and how I continue to stay sober. It’s a tough question for me to answer honestly. To be honest, I don’t think…

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Happy Holidays! (Plus 6 Strategies I Use To Stay Sober)

Today’s post is simply my way of saying thank you and a chance to wish you a peaceful holiday season. I want you to know how much you mean to me. Without you, there would be no reason for me to share these posts, and so I want to personally thank you for being here…

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What It Means To Be Healthy (Video Interview with Sarah Zahab)

Do Cardio! Strength Train! Don’t do Cardio! Lift Heavy Weights! Use Light Weights! Use Body weight! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!  Can Someone PLEASE tell me what to do??!! With all of the conflicting messages out there, we can feel overwhelmed when trying to figure out what it means to “be healthy” as it relates to exercise. With so much…

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How To Make Fast Friends (Video Recipe!)

During the holidays, it can be easy to get derailed when it comes to our health. There is so much temptation all around us with treats galore, lots of cheer, and all of those pre-made hors d’ouevres that simply require us to open a box and turn on the toaster oven. But with a few fresh…

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Talking Food With Korey Kealey, Kitchen Wizard!

Today, I sit down with “Kitchen Wizard”, Korey Kealey. Korey is a busy wife, mom, entrepreneur, cookbook author and spokesperson for Foodland Ontario. This woman only has 24 hours in a day, just like the rest of us, and yet she makes it all look so easy! Listen in to learn how Korey schedules time…

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Eva Bee Shares Her Story

Part of my intention for starting this blog is to open up more of my life to you. Sharing who I am can be extremely uncomfortable for me. It makes me feel vulnerable and it makes me feel judged. But, this is what I am doing. I am purposefully opening myself up so that you can…

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Let’s Hit The Gym!

You may have noticed that I have shied away from posting too much about exercise on my blog. I’ve had concerns about sharing what I do because, well, I am not a personal trainer; I am not certified in any way, and I just felt like I should leave the exercise stuff to the professionals. 🙂…

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Food For The “Sole”

Today I get to share with you my conversation with someone who truly changed my life for the better by helping me to get back on my feet both literally and figuratively. :). In this video, I talk with Ryan Grant, co-owner of Sole Fit here in Ottawa, about a subject that you may not think…

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Sharing My Story With The World

Last week, I appeared on Rogers Daytime to share my story. I was afraid to do it, and so I figured that was a really good sign that I should. I used some of what Kathie Donovan taught me when we sat down to talk about her book Inspiration In Action: A Woman’s Guide To…

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